Sexual Health

The FDA Authorized Vanilla-Flavored Panties to Protect Against STIs During Oral


In what could be a major win for safer sex, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized a brand of underwear to be considered protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during oral sex. On Thursday, the agency confirmed that Lorals panties adequately protect against infections that can be transmitted from the vagina and anus. And yes, they're vanilla flavored and scented.

Available in bikinis and shorties, Lorals protective underwear are made of natural rubber latex (FYI, don't use them if you're allergic to latex). They're designed for single-use and act as a barrier between the mouth and vagina or anus to minimize the risk of STI transmission during oral play. Their opaque material "provides additional stimulation to the clitoris and labia without skin-to-skin contact," according to the brand's website. They also smell and taste like vanilla, thanks to a food-grade, water-based flavoring used in baking, the brand notes online. The taste is similar to a cookie, one reviewer said.

Safe oral sex is as important as safe penetrative sex, since infections such as herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, and human papillomavirus (HPV) can be transmitted between the mouth and the vagina and/or anus. That said, the only CDC-suggested options for STI prevention during oral sex are dental dams and cutting open a condom into a square shape to put in between the mouth and vagina or anus.

However, research shows dental dams aren't a popular method of protection among women who have sex with women. Plus, doctors and sexual health experts note people generally don't typically use dental dams, because of their high price tags and uncomfortable feel, reports The Atlantic. An overall lack of thorough, inclusive sex education also plays a role, as current programs largely leave the pleasure of women and queer folks out of the conversation entirely.

"We don't talk about getting STIs from oral sex as often as we should," Jessica, a London-based student tells Shape. "I think I've only ever used a dental dam once, and it was for anal play," she adds. (

"This [Lorals] underwear is a unique innovation that will hopefully encourage more people to stay safe and protected while practicing oral sex," Amy Roskin, M.D., ob-gyn and chief medical officer at Favor tells Shape. Oral sex of any kind carries with it some level of risk for STIs, so it's vital to have protective measures on hand, notes Dr. Roskin. "I think if people prefer using [Lorals panties] to a dental dam, then it's an important advance in the fight to prevent the spread of STIs," she adds. BTW, rates of STIs are on the rise in the U.S, according to the CDC.

With a price tag of $25 for a four-pack, Lorals FDA-authorized panties are still pricier than the average dental dam, which typically costs between $10 and $15 for a pack of 20 to 36. As for whether or not they'll catch on remains to be determined.

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